Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Malacañang to Appoint New SC Chief Justice

Malacañang confirmed that President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will appoint the New Chief Jutice of the (SC) Supreme Court when Chief Justice Reynato Puno is set to retire on May 17, a month before the end of term of the President. Cabinet Secretary Silvestre Bello, presidential adviser on political affairs Prospero Pitchay and election lawyer Atty. Romulo Macalintal were one in this decision as they all agree that there cannot be an “Acting” Chief Justice especially at a crucial time when there is a national election to take place.

Macalintal added that the constitutional ban for appointments only covers Executive positions and it does not include the Judiciary. Bello in turn, pointed out that it is also not possible that the Supreme Court Justices will appoint the Chief Justice among themselves. With all these issues, the Supreme Court is expected to come up with their own position in order to to put clarity to this subject matter. President Arroyo also requested the (JBC) Judicial and Bar Council to make a recommendation and submit its shortlist of nominees for the post to be vacated by Puno.


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